Amber Lee
Software Engineeremployment
Senior Software Engineer, Apple
Nov 2022 - Present
App Store Editorial Tools team
Senior Software Engineer, Square
May 2021 - Nov 2022
Developer Experience team - owns Developer dashboard, Developer documentation, App Marketplace, SDKs, etc
- Designed & implemented invitation flow to allow external developers to invite other users with various roles to their developer account. Developed both the backend and frontend using Ruby, MySQL and Ember.js. Involved working with engineers, product managers and UI designers from multiple teams within Square.
- Owned developer documentation authoring improvements to help improve Contentful doc authoring experience for the organization's content writers using ReactJS, HTML & CSS, and Ruby.
- Designed & developed GraphQL explorer for developers to make requests to Square's GraphQL gateway. Wrote Node.js sample application to demonstrate how to make requests to the Square GraphQL endpoint.
Software Development Engineer, Amazon Web Services
July 2017 — May 2021
AWS IQ team - platform that allows customers to
connect with third party AWS certified experts on projects.
Middle Mile demand forecasting & scheduling team - designed and developed services & applications to optimize demand forecasting in Middle Mile.
- Designed & implemented multiple features from the backend to frontend using Typescript, GraphQL, ReactJS and HTML & CSS
- Experience working with multiple AWS services including S3, DynamoDB, IAM, Lambda, Redshift, CloudFormation, AWS CDK, etc
- Built data warehousing pipeline that can easily be extended for data inputs for scheduling workflow
- Owned multiple high impact projects from product requirements to system design to implementation & QA that involved working with product
managers, data scientists, senior software engineers, and other stakeholders.
- File Attachment support for chat & projects
- Firm based support for AWS IQ including new project manager role
- Support allowing experts to create & list offerings on their profiles
Software Development Engineer Intern, Amazon
Aug 2016 — Dec 2016
Interned for EBS statistics team - team developed tools to help collect and analyze data about elastic block store volumes.
- Designed and developed new Java services using Amazon web services including S3, SQS and Redshift that allows various client EBS datasets to be automatically centralized in a global Redshift cluster
- Worked with AWS SDK for Java and Spring Framework
- Service monitored data-quality and failure metrics to help improve EBS experience for EC2 customers
Software Development Engineer Intern, nanoPay Corporation
Jan 2016 — April 2016
nanoPay is a financial tech startup that is innovating payments.
- Designed and developed admin portal with functionality to manually process pending cashouts, view user data & bank info, add additional admin users, and generate csv files with merchant & consumer information. Created the endpoints on the API for the controllers
- Implemented core data for the MintChip iOS application to manage data stack
Bachelor of Computer Science, University of Waterloo
Sept 2012 — May 2017portfolio
Project portfolio available at